Forum Hosts | Global Family Policy Forum
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Become a Forum Host!

January 15 – 18, 2025

We are excited that you are considering becoming a Sponsor or Host Family for the Global Family Policy Forum. Our sponsors and Host Families are an essential key to the success of the Forum.


Each year, Family Watch International selects diplomats from among the UN delegations who have stood out in their support of family issues, and we invite them to participate in our annual Forum.


At the Forum, they learn about key issues, how to effectively combat attacks to the family, and how to strengthen the network of individuals committed to preserve and protect the family at the UN and abroad.


Sponsorship donations are tax-deductible for US taxpayers.

Host Families

Purpose of Host Families

Our Host Families play a critical role in helping our VIP guests feel comfortable and in strengthening relationships of trust with Family Watch International so that we can work with them more closely to defend the family during UN negotiations.  Should, you choose to be a host family you will be a volunteer representative of Family Watch.


A number of delegates who attended in previous years have commented that they were overwhelmed by the goodness of their Host Families and their commitment to the importance of the family.  We hope to create this same type of feeling again.

Host Family Responsibilities 

Each host family has three primary responsibilities that they commit to performing when they select a UN diplomat to host.

  1. Pick up your diplomat from the Airport:  Hosts will greet their diplomat at the airport and drive them to their hotel.
  2. Provide Thursday Dinner:  Your family will provide your UN diplomat with dinner one night during their visit.  You can dine privately with your family or with a group of other hosts and diplomats.
  3. Return you UN diplomat to the Airport:  Hosts are responsible for picking their diplomat from the hotel and taking them to the airport for their departing flight.

Optional Host Family Responsibilities 

As a host family, we encourage you to do all you can to make your diplomat feel welcome.  We recommend the following ways that you can do that:

  • Provide Support as Needed:  We will have Family Watch staff on hand at the hotel and during the events to assist your diplomat with any needs, but we encourage you to offer your assistance and make yourself available if needed.
  • Attend Friday Celebration:  We encourage you to join your UN diplomat at the Friday Celebration with your family.  This is an optional event for hosts but is one of the highlights of the week for both hosts and diplomats.

Watch the Forum Promotional Video

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We hope you will have an amazing, life-changing experience hosting these UN delegates who, in reality, are just people who care about the importance of the family.


Sponsorship donations are tax-deductible for US taxpayers.

P:  +1 (480) 507-2664    |    E:

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